Sunday, June 18, 2006

Fathers Day

Its Fathers Day and I am sitting in my apartment getting ready to take a nap...Then all of a sudden I think to myself, I should blog. Like I said it is Fathers Day and I'm still a little bitter that my dad, stepmom, and the kids are all at Kings Island and I'm not with them. I got over it when my dad and I hung out last weekend and then today after church I saw everyone talking and saying "When are we meeting at mom and dads?" " Are we going to Longhorn?" and Debi Comer showing me what she is giving from Caleb to Pat for Fathers Day...Sam Roddy asked me what I was doing today and I told her I would probably go home and sleep and do whatever. And of course because I am a girl I started crying. YOu don't realize how much you love or miss your parents until you get older and they are not around as much. Last night I was remebering when I was a little girl and I used to play with my little ponys on the dinner table, and this one time my dad came up and scared me and picked me up and tickled me. I don't know why I thought about that, but I did. I miss my daddy...... I think now that I am older and I'm starting to realize that my dad isn't saved and I'm afraid to talk to him about it..I've been missing him a lot lately..I think God is telling me something pertaining to my dad but I can't put my finger on it. GOSH I wish he and my stepmom could come out and hang out with some of the people from church and get to know them and see how awesome it is.. Now if I could only get them to come to camp! That would be awesome.. Sorry this was really really random but my dad has really been on my heart and I miss and love him.. I ask you all who read this if you could please pray for him and my stepmom that would be awesome.. I love you all and thanks for letting me share all of my sappyness to you..


nafisa said...

wow, Vickie. I can completely understand how you feel, maybe not completely, but I didn't get to spend father's day with my (unsaved) dad either, he had something better to do-work. I'll definitely be praying for all of you!

Buck said...

Vickie Le-Bear,

I spent Fathers day teaching at grace Bible Church in Hot Springs, AR, and then driving back to Albama with my family. I, like Nafisa, didn't get to spend Father's day with my father either. He also is an unbeliever, but I did spend it with my Heavenly Father and was able to share His words with my brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. All in all it was a wonderful Father's Day.

The countdown is on....11 more days to SEYC. See you soon. Drive safe on the way down and Heather and I will be praying for your trip. Love ya...miss ya...see ya soon!


Philip, April, and Malachi said...

I like the new blog page... you need to post something more current! :oPPPP -April

DEB said...

Yes, I know how important earthly fathers are. And we miss them or we feel a void if we don't have them. But as Buck said, our heavenly Father knows that and has us "marked" as His family and we are special to Him.