Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Me,God, and a Cup O Joe

I know it's been a while since I've last posted.. But I've decided to share something new with all of you..Well it's not really new, but it is something I did want to share. The landlord was coming today between 3:30 and 4:30 pm.. Sooo for that hour I had to figure out what I was going to do. Here were my options : Target, Drive a around, Old Navy, pretty much shopping.. And then I thought, ehh I don't really want to spend money and I would much rather do something productive. So I grabbed my Bible and my notebook and I headed over to Cup O Joe and I had some One on One with my Lord.. I went over my notes and studied and I sat and paused a couple of times.. Thinking wow. I looked over Philippians and Hebrews and some other passages.. But I was looking at Philippians 4:19, and How God will supply all of our needs and being content with what we have. Also being content with what God supplies us with in our lives (see how they go eh ) ...Even though we say we need a new pair of shoes or we really want to move somewhere or what ever, it all depends on God. And if we don't get those shoes or move somewhere, it's a matter of still being content and still being happy with what God has already provided for us. How many times have I found myself upset or selfish because I didn't get what I wanted or because someone else was blessed with something that I wanted. God really showed me how much I've grown out of that. Sure, sometimes I do get jealous and I'm not content with some of the things that I have but the Lord has really taught me and diciplined me. Then I go back to , wow. He is an amazing God and to see how much he loves his children ; to watch them grow, and mature and see them grow closer to him. All of this over a cup of coffee... He is good............................................... and Thats all I've got..


Philip, April, and Malachi said...

Vickie, I love your heart! Thanks for making me cry! I love when you write about your relationship with our Lord. It is such an encouragement to me! I love you! -April

Anonymous said...

aka "Best Blog Running Today"

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