Thursday, August 23, 2007

Morning SHOUTS

This morning I awoke to a beautiful beam of light, piercing through my window onto my wall..My wall has a mirror on it, so therefore the light reflected off of the mirror and onto my face. It was 6:45 in the morning and I could not go back to sleep..The light was soo beautiful and I was amazed by it..The light consisted of an amber richness with a golden hue..It was truly remarkable..As the sun continued to rise so did the light and it moved ever so slowly on my wall..Eventually away from my face.
It was a great wake up call..As if God were waking me and telling me to get up.

My mind raced , I thought of a million things.. If I wrote everything I thought it might be as long as the harry potter series..But I also prayed and spoke with the Lord..and it was good..I enjoyed it ever so much.

this was random, but it has been lingering in my head all day...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it when that happens :) God has been doing something like that with me, but it's before I go to bed. For some reason, I haven't been able to get to sleep when I try to lately. Every night, I try to go to sleep, but I stay awake for some reason until I finally give in and pick up my Bible. It's so neat because each time God has had something very specific to say to me, and those have probably been some of my most fruitful quiet times :)