Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Well..you know

Soo it's been a while since I last posted..And today I'm in a pretty good mood..
And yet I can't seem to find a specific thing I want to write about. Because, there are so many things that I've been thinking about...So I guess I will just start with the one that I was thinking about last night

Some people may not know this but I am doing the jail ministry with Fran Aldridge..
And it's been amazing.. I can't begin to explain how great it is to see how God has used us in the jail. Anyhow, last night, one of the ladies was sentenced to spend some time in prison..but anyhow I just wanted to cry..I saw Christ in her and how much she has such a passion for the Lord..I mean, like everyone, she has her struggles..but i can see how much she has grown since she first started coming to the bible studies.. Like Fran said, she'll have such a huge ministry with the women in prison. I'm sure it'll be hard but..man, she's got such a great attitude about it.. I guess that leads me to the other thought a I had about jail and prison and such..
I guess I can't really imagine what it would be like to be in jail..Because we go there and teach..but at 7:30 we get to walk out of those doors....I can see how it would be frustrating or irritating at times to just want to get out of there soo bad..especially with all of those women. Fran brought a quote for the women to keep from Chuck Swindoll about "Attitude" ..ha, man they loved that.. Especially when it says "That life is 10% what happens to me and 90% is how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitude"
they thought it was neat..and so did I.. but yeah..

And man, I love spending time with those women in there..One of them said last night that it was a blessing to her that Fran and I came...and I just wanted to cry and tell her how much of a blessing it was to be sitting there with them...I can see their hearts, and how much they yearn for the Word of God. I've been truly blessed to be involved in this ministry with Fran. She's also been an amazing leader and teacher to those women, and to me..
Soo that's what has been on my mind recently.. Just a jumble of random thoughts and feelings..
One more thing..I'm glad to be here. I know the Lord has me here for a reason..a purpose. I'm just so thankful.. Soo ummm yeah..
Hope ya'll have a Happy Thanksgiving!

-haha ya'll


Daamsters said...

Thank you for sharing, Vickie.
Isn't it wonderful to see how people are contributing to the kingdom?

(Maybe you will remember me? Aubrey? I have been gone for a very long time.)

How are you? I did not know that you were not in Ohio anymore?

I decided to start in this blog world and I am so glad I found your blog.

Happy Thanksgiving!

aubrey (furlong) dahm

Anonymous said...

What a great ministry. I am sure GOD is having such an impact through you. I love and miss you!