Friday, June 15, 2007


Today, Miss. Chigger talked about the song "Big House" to the kids this morning. And it was really neat to see it explained in detail.
I don't looove the song, but it's fun to sing with the kids.
Come and go with me
To my Fathers House
Come and go with me, to my Fathers House
It's a big big house
with lots and lots of room
A big big table
with lots and lots of food
A big big yard
where we can play football(touchdown!)
It's my Fathers House

Carrie had one of the kids explain what the song meant..
And, in simple terms, said
"It's heaven!"
But also when we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts
we go to our Fathers house..We become apart of the family; the body.
We go and he provides us with food,shelter, fun stuff..
I often forget how much he takes care of me. His love is overflowing and abundant in grace. I can't remember how my life was before Him. I'm always learning about my Father..And I think me being here(in AL) has taught me a whole lot. I know that I am here for a reason and I just pray that even though I get home sick, that He may be glorified. I continue to pray for strength and guidence. I need Him more than ever and I need to constantly be hungry for Him..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:-) It's neat how the things we sometimes consider "simple" are so mind blowing!