Monday, December 26, 2005

Late Night Laughter

Soo.. I didn't go to bed last night until 12:30 ish.. Yeah amy and I were laughing soo hard, like almost throwing up and coughing soo hard.. HOnestly i can't really say what exactally what we were laguhing at. We laughed at how i was talking, and what happened? and ohh what else.. ohh, "the touch, the feel of cotton, the fabric of our lives.." and "merry Christmas.." in our Aaron Nevill voice.. It was really funny.. If you don't know who Aaron Nevill is , he is the voice who sings the cotton commercial songs... Yeah its hard to explain but it was incredibly funny.. Oh and mind you i also had to work today.. So i was really tired and i went into work and they didn't need me.. Soo i worked for an hour if that and i came home.. so late night laughter + no sleep+ going to work when i didn't need to= annoyed.. haha jk but yeah well i am going to go and do something.. Ohh and Merry Christmas to everyone and i love you all!!


Nate said...

That's funny...I thought I was the only one that found Aaron Neville's 'Cotton Commercials' amusing.

Philip, April, and Malachi said...

I can't believe that YOU and AMY were up all night LAUGHING? I find that hard to believe! -April