Everyone always tells me that praying for patience is "REALLY something to pray for"...Well "they" were right..Gosh it was been on my heart soo much lately and it has been really hard. Recently it seems like God has made these amazing things happen around me and my reaction is nothing. Yes I am sooo amazingly excited that my closest friends are getting married..I truly am, I can't believe how blessed they are. And then Satan steps in and stabs me where it hurts the worse. I hate feeling that I don't measure up to these amazing women that God is blessing..And I know better, man do I know better. I guess what I am saying is that, YES I am super excited that everyone is getting engaged/married, BUT at the same time I am feeling a little insecure. WHICH I KNOW is stupid because God has something stored up for me..Mybe not a man but something other than that..Something that will please Him soo much..And really that is all I want. I want to be the woman that He needs me to be. And if that means being single and being available then thats the way it's gotta be. I really want to glorify HIm through all of this, and I know I've been failing here and there but I've gotta keep my eyes on Him and not the world. This reminds me of the song Only You..
Only You can fill my heart with laughter
Only You can answer my hearts cry
OHh how true that is..He will always know..And my prayer has been for Him to keep revieling himself to me..SooI can make it through all of this..Even though it is hard I know where my heart needs to be..
Friday, October 27, 2006
Saturday, August 12, 2006
God in this Place
It's always amazing when we find ourselves trying to take control of life's situations..When really it's Gods plan. Recentally Amy and I have been struggling with trying to find a place to live. First and foremost I am soooo stubborn and I seem to think that I can handle everything.. Like, I don't need God right now, I've got it all under control...When really I didn't. I wasn't spending time with the Lord daily and I wasn't praying, and if i was praying I would try and take over again. I've gotta say..When I finally stopped being bullheaded and prayed and gave everything to the Lord, it felt like a ton of bricks was lifted off of my shoulders..And I realized that God is in control... It's funny sometimes when I come to realize some of these things cuz it's the same stuff I have known for years..but yet I am still stubborn to it..I know now that it was a test and God really showed me that being stubborn really has to stop..:) SOo but anyway I just wanted to vent and blah blah blah..
Monday, July 17, 2006
Nobody's got it all together
I love Jill Phillips new CD..And I love this song in paticular..
Daily Bread
There’s a restlessness in the soul of man
Nobody’s tamed it yet
You never fail to keep any promises
But somehow we forget
That you’re always right on time
You feed us all with a silver spoon
And like your foolish kids
We start worrying about what we’re gonna do
When the hunger comes again
But you’re always right on time
With an open hand
You have exactly what I need
Daily bread Daily bread
You have the wisdom and the patience
We need the grace to see it clear
Too soon and we take it all for granted
Too late is more than we can bear
So you’re always right on time
With an open hand
You have exactly what I need
Daily bread Daily bread Daily bread
Daily Bread
There’s a restlessness in the soul of man
Nobody’s tamed it yet
You never fail to keep any promises
But somehow we forget
That you’re always right on time
You feed us all with a silver spoon
And like your foolish kids
We start worrying about what we’re gonna do
When the hunger comes again
But you’re always right on time
With an open hand
You have exactly what I need
Daily bread Daily bread
You have the wisdom and the patience
We need the grace to see it clear
Too soon and we take it all for granted
Too late is more than we can bear
So you’re always right on time
With an open hand
You have exactly what I need
Daily bread Daily bread Daily bread
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Fathers Day
Its Fathers Day and I am sitting in my apartment getting ready to take a nap...Then all of a sudden I think to myself, I should blog. Like I said it is Fathers Day and I'm still a little bitter that my dad, stepmom, and the kids are all at Kings Island and I'm not with them. I got over it when my dad and I hung out last weekend and then today after church I saw everyone talking and saying "When are we meeting at mom and dads?" " Are we going to Longhorn?" and Debi Comer showing me what she is giving from Caleb to Pat for Fathers Day...Sam Roddy asked me what I was doing today and I told her I would probably go home and sleep and do whatever. And of course because I am a girl I started crying. YOu don't realize how much you love or miss your parents until you get older and they are not around as much. Last night I was remebering when I was a little girl and I used to play with my little ponys on the dinner table, and this one time my dad came up and scared me and picked me up and tickled me. I don't know why I thought about that, but I did. I miss my daddy...... I think now that I am older and I'm starting to realize that my dad isn't saved and I'm afraid to talk to him about it..I've been missing him a lot lately..I think God is telling me something pertaining to my dad but I can't put my finger on it. GOSH I wish he and my stepmom could come out and hang out with some of the people from church and get to know them and see how awesome it is.. Now if I could only get them to come to camp! That would be awesome.. Sorry this was really really random but my dad has really been on my heart and I miss and love him.. I ask you all who read this if you could please pray for him and my stepmom that would be awesome.. I love you all and thanks for letting me share all of my sappyness to you..
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
#4..."Awkward Silence"
I have found my #4.... If you can recall from my last post I didn't know what to write for #4.. And then it hit me the other day..Awkward Silence. I have had many conversations with Nathan Johnson about my chronic awkward silence problem. "HI, my name is Victoria Leber, and I am an Awkward silence starter." Yep thats right.. I seem to start awkward silence..Not on purpose but........naturally. For example when I am at work, I always introduce myself and then.......awkward silence..here's an example.
Me: "Hello, good morning!"
Patient: "Hi"
Me: "My name is Victoria and I'm here to take you down to the pre-op holding area"
Patient: ( silence)
Me: " okay....well we're ready to go."
You see they have nothing to say because I leave that awkwardness and they really can't say anything..but there are many other instances outside of work.. Like when I hold conversations with new people..especially at church.. It's always Hey I'm Vickie ..I'm JOe.. then I walk away cuz I have created the akward silence.. Ohh and I went to Caribou Coffee and this guy and another guy were talking , and he too was an awkward silence starter..But he was much better at trying to start up another conversation..But yeah soo that is my #4..and thats it...........
Me: "Hello, good morning!"
Patient: "Hi"
Me: "My name is Victoria and I'm here to take you down to the pre-op holding area"
Patient: ( silence)
Me: " okay....well we're ready to go."
You see they have nothing to say because I leave that awkwardness and they really can't say anything..but there are many other instances outside of work.. Like when I hold conversations with new people..especially at church.. It's always Hey I'm Vickie ..I'm JOe.. then I walk away cuz I have created the akward silence.. Ohh and I went to Caribou Coffee and this guy and another guy were talking , and he too was an awkward silence starter..But he was much better at trying to start up another conversation..But yeah soo that is my #4..and thats it...........
Friday, May 12, 2006
Ohh Man
Well, I do realize that I haven't posted in a while.. And a LOT of things have happened since the last post. #1 Thank you all for the prayer..I definetly saw a difference.. #2 Animal issues surfaced. #3 laughter beyond belief..#4 ????.. Let me elaborate. I'll start with #2, becuase #1 is self-explanitory.. Animal Issues..on Friday morning on the 28th of April.. I walked out of my Apartment at around 6:10 am to go to work.. When I open the door I see a huge Oppossum on the front porch.. I shut the door and I had to sit a think a minute. Now I am going to recap something that happened earlier that morning. When I woke up I heard a scratching and another wierd noise in our basement window. The basement window is a fire escape "pit" as I like to call it. Soo putting the 2 things together, Oppossum randomly on my front porch and wierd noise.. Yes my friends, there was a baby Oppossum stuck in the fire"pit" escape window..Yeah and the Mommy Oppossum had 8 babies all over her! Ehggck Minus the one in the pit but it was gross.. To end the story my roomate Nikki climed down in the pit and got it out and put it in a box.. That night it was gone soo.. We don't really know what happened to the baby Oppossum..Thats not all of the animal issues. The next day, which would be the 29th of April. Amy was looking in one of her bags near her bed and saw, a few ants crawling on it.. She picks up the bag and they are allllll overrrr the place! So we looked under her bed and they are swarming under it.. Ehhhhhhh yeah needless to say I had soo much sympathy for amy.. We sprayed spider killer on them then we kind of got high off of that.. haha no but we did feel burning sensations in our nose/throats. Anyway soo they were all dead.. Well we had to vaccuum them all up. We don't have a vaccuum. So we had to borrow the neighbors vaccuum.. It was a huge mess. That weekend was crazy! #3 Laughter..Amy and I are really .......... random. Afrer all of that animal mess, we laughed about it.. Ohh and last night amy started laughing at her fart and then laughed until she cried for nooooo reason.. That probably lasted ohh, about 5 mins. It was really funny:0...And the other night.. We re-recorded our voicemail messages and those are reallly funny.. I reccomend you call both of our phones to listen to the voicemail message. Soo if you know us and you really want to call let me or amy know.. Also my message has another message within it and its bad, but HILARIOUS!!! Soo we laughed really hard about that. #4 i don't know what 4 is about ..maybe that'll be my next post.. Alright guys I am tired of posting and I have laundry to do! Love you all and have a good WEEKEND!!
-and remeber the voicemail message:)
-and remeber the voicemail message:)
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
I'm busy,stressed, and in need of Prayer
Just a side note: this past weekend was amazing! We had the Girls Retreat at Buckeye Lake and it was incredible. God really showed me how much I want to reach out more to these girls and also to the missions field. Which brings me to my stress... I am in school right now and I want to stay in school. But I also want to travel and do more missions stuff. Plus I knew that when I started back to school I would miss doing the things I could do when I wasn't in school.. Like church on WEd, hanging out randomly throughout the week and on weekends. But those are the sacrifices we have to make in life when it comes to school..Soo I guess what I am trying to say is that i really need prayer in my motivation for continuing school. But we'll see how it goes and what the Lord will do . unitl another time..
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Me,God, and a Cup O Joe
I know it's been a while since I've last posted.. But I've decided to share something new with all of you..Well it's not really new, but it is something I did want to share. The landlord was coming today between 3:30 and 4:30 pm.. Sooo for that hour I had to figure out what I was going to do. Here were my options : Target, Drive a around, Old Navy, pretty much shopping.. And then I thought, ehh I don't really want to spend money and I would much rather do something productive. So I grabbed my Bible and my notebook and I headed over to Cup O Joe and I had some One on One with my Lord.. I went over my notes and studied and I sat and paused a couple of times.. Thinking wow. I looked over Philippians and Hebrews and some other passages.. But I was looking at Philippians 4:19, and How God will supply all of our needs and being content with what we have. Also being content with what God supplies us with in our lives (see how they go together..eh eh ) ...Even though we say we need a new pair of shoes or we really want to move somewhere or what ever, it all depends on God. And if we don't get those shoes or move somewhere, it's a matter of still being content and still being happy with what God has already provided for us. How many times have I found myself upset or selfish because I didn't get what I wanted or because someone else was blessed with something that I wanted. God really showed me how much I've grown out of that. Sure, sometimes I do get jealous and I'm not content with some of the things that I have but the Lord has really taught me and diciplined me. Then I go back to , wow. He is an amazing God and to see how much he loves his children ; to watch them grow, and mature and see them grow closer to him. All of this over a cup of coffee... He is good............................................... and Thats all I've got..
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
The Plague
So I have been stricken with a so-called plague (as Nate Johnson would put it)... And it really really stinks. I have a crappy head cold and yes... Pink eye. Ahh the joys...But being sick really makes you realize how hilariously pathetic you can be.. For example: When I get migraines, its all down hill. I start off hunching over and my eyes are squinty. Then I start to become whinny. Ohh does amy hate that (haha).. But you get my drift. There are some things we do, that we only do, when we are sick.. So now being sick I've had a hoarse voice and I lose it from time to time.. I get mad. Almost frustrated cuz I can't talk.. But its kind of funny cuz when I get irratated and worked up, my nose will start running.. Soo I'm like " Uhh I hate that I can't talk!!!...................Oh crap" (blow nose blow nose).. Soo even though my 2 day experience of being sick has really sucked.. It has also been comical. And just a side note I am not writting all of this to gain any pitty.... But to make notice of how you can take a poopy situation and turn it for the funny. I love you all and stay non-plague stricken!
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Leadership Camp

Leadership Camp was great.. Thanks to all of the speakers,leaders, and everyone one who went.. Christ is amazing.. To see how everyone was encouraged and grew was soo cool.. It was nice to fellowship with everyone but it was also great to grow and learn how to be a leader.. Mark 1:17
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "And I will make you fishers of men."
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I've got Nothin
Yeah I don't really know what to post but I know I haven't posted in a while.....Sunday Night Amy and I went to the Copeland,Starting Line,Cartel, and Suicide Pact Show.. It was really good! OHh and this weekend I will be heading out to Alabama for Leadership Camp!! I am very excited to go!!! It will be a great experience. Well like I said not a whole lot to say but I needed to post..
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Faith in Christ
This past Friday was an amazing experience.. It was me putting all of my trust in God. Last Friday my manager approached me and said that productivity was really low in the OR so, that meant getting rid of the contingent people. Me being one of the contingent people. Soo I am very understanding and telling her thats fine .. So I went in the back hallway and I sat and prayed.. I prayed saying, Father right now I am putting everything in your hands, and this is all in your will.. For some reason you've allowed this to happen and I am giving it all to you and you will provide.. And then I thanked Him... about 45 mins later my manager came up to me and said I have great news.. Sterile Processing really needs people so they can orient you down there.. Right then I had a job again.. I left work that day in such amazement at how I handled the whole situation..I didn't get mad or frustrated..I trusted in the Father.
Friday, January 20, 2006

Visiting April and Philip was great fun.. I really enjoyed myself and it was extreamly relaxing.. Well here are some pictures of us the one is us getting onto the ski lift and the other is in front of April and Philips house.. Which is extreamly cute. I will have to say they did a great job decorating and it was very comfortable. Thank you guys for a wonderful wonderful weekend..
Sorry amy i had to put that one of you on here:)
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Standing for Him
This morning I am driving to work and I'm praying and just asking God to really keep me focused on Him... I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I was walking by the windows at work and I look outside and it was incredibly beautiful.. The clouds were soo dark and yet the sun was still able to shine through them.. I was really dark and yet there was this orange glow that shone on the buildings.. And I'm thinking WOW! God this is soo beautiful.. And for awhile I kept pondering and thinking.. He created that, and how it means soo much more knowing that.. Also keeping HIm in mind I talked with an EMT student and we were talking about the ministry and how he was involved with the youth at his church.. Mean while there is another emt instructor sitting with us listening to us talk.. I was telling them about the NY trip and the camps in the summer and the retreats.. I also talked to them about my testimony.. which was awesome, i think i made the instructor think about how God can really change a person.. So anyway its been a test for me to talk about Christ and really put my Christianity out there at work.. and I have been, I am seeing growth in my spiritual walk..I am excited about it:) I am also excited to go and visit April and Philip this weekend!! Sorry that was a random side note but it had to be expressed.. Well i am off to bed..
Sunday, January 01, 2006
The New Year
2006 is here..What is to come? What's gonna happen? I never used to ask these questions but now that there have been soo many changes in the past year and I'm asking them now...God has taught me a whole bunch this past year. I still find it crazy that I just graduated! Crazy... Also God really put me where I needed to be, spiritually and physically ie...moving into the apartment..I wouldn't have even guessed that I would move out of my parents house soo soon. And that I would be working at the hopspital..It's amazing how I have grown a lot as a person and with Christ.. I can honestly say I spend more time HIm and read the Word more and I have memorized more..I have been truly blessed and I can't thank my Lord enough for what he has given me.. So I want to glorify Him back..and that is what I intend to do this "new year" and also for the rest of my life.. and I have to end this post cuz I have to go to the bathroom and I am leaving soon soo I have to go..
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